A bit about me…


I spent way too much of my life not designing. In my youth, I dabbled in fashion design, retail, social media management, even visual arts, but never once considered graphic design as a career. It’s funny, because when I was a kid, my dad even suggested that I might make a great graphic designer. But come on, what kid actually listens to their parents’ advice? ;)

Fast-forward five years and a college degree later, I realized Fashion Merchandising was not at all what I wanted to do. I was going through the motions at L’Oreal in New York City as a Digital Marketing intern, while my heart was wandering elsewhere. Specifically, down the hall to the Graphic Design team that was having all the fun.

I secretly spied on them until my intrigue became unbearable and I began taking night classes at the School of Visual Arts to learn the craft. After a semester of juggling my full-time internship with my newfound passion for design, I decided to take a leap of faith: I said farewell to NYC and returned home to study graphic design full-time.

With a degree in hand, I hit the ground running. I worked day in and day out, earning pennies and even offering free work, just to build a portfolio of my own. I interned for a local magazine by day, then churned out freelance work at night. My diligence paid off, though, because a year later, I was offered a dream job as the Lead Designer at a real estate corporation in Charlotte, NC.

Six years ago, I took another leap of faith and launched my own freelance business full-time. This has been the most challenging, yet rewarding decision I have made in my life and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work for myself. It has allowed me to collaborate with so many brilliant minds, in such a wide variety of industries, and I believe that it’s what has developed me as a designer the most.

Why I do what I do

It’s true what they say: designers really do get the glory. In fact, in my previous role, the team often heralded me as the office “unicorn”! Not because of mystical powers, but simply because I was given the opportunity to polish the work of others so that they could shine. How rewarding is that!?

So with every project I take on, I focus not only on ways to make the piece more appealing with design principles, but also, keeping in mind what is going to catch the eye of the target audience. Because if the work is aesthetically pleasing to them, your brand is viewed as being more memorable, respected, and trustworthy.